I'm fat. That's the main issue that bothers him. America is fat. We fat people are going to ultimately bankrupt America with all the illnesses that we have made epidemic.
Ok...so I'm fat. I'm diabetic. I have heart disease. I had cardiac bypass surgery at 41 years old. I am now 49 years old and still kicking. I am on massive quantities of medications. In fact, I have a crafting bead box filled with all the medications that the doctors have me on. I will take a picture and place it on this blog to prove that a person can live with a rainbow of multi-shaped pills. I take another handful of vitamins and supplements that are supposed to fix my maladies.
I went to the famous Cooper Clinic in Dallas, Texas. I was told that EVERYONE loses weight at the Cooper Clinic. So I went. I had great dreams of coming home thin. Or at least thinner. HELL...O NO! I gain 3 pounds. They say to me..."You must have been cheating. No one gains weight here." "Oh must I?" I respond. I did not cheat one iota. I ate what they gave me. I went to the gym. I walked miles every night. I still gained weight. I told them if they fed me like they were (at 1400 calories a day) I would gain weight. Well DUH!
I have been dieting my entire life. I have been fat my entire life. I finally decided to see exactly what it took for me to lose weight. I started at 1400 calories. I gained weight. Well...what does one call a person who repeats an action expecting a different result the next time? Duh. I tried 1300 calories. Um. Same result. I tried 1200 calories. I stopped gaining. I lost nothing. I went down to 1100 calories. Nothing. I went down to 1000 calories. Yay! Weight loss. 1/2 pound in one week. Now THAT type of success is truly gonna keep things going. Finally at 900 calories...checking every bite that went into my mouth, caused normal weight loss.
Have you ever tried to eat only 900 calories day in and day out????? Do you have any idea how hungry that makes a person???? Do you have any idea what a hungry lioness acts like in the jungle????
Well...that is my first post. I am waiting, very impatiently (NOT) for optifast to arrive at my front door. I am going to try this incredibly low calorie liquid diet. I just can't wait.
More tomorrow.
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