Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Oprah I can't quite wait until tomorrow.
I went to the movies today. Yes...I wasted an entire 108 minutes watching Zombieland. I thought it would be a safe place to escape fat talk. I thought I could a veggieburger and rest for a few minutes. 108 to be exact. Well, first, there is no safe place from fat jokes. Not even in Zombieland.
For those of you who have not yet taken the time to see this amazing film, I shall enlighten you as to the basic plot. Zombies, people who have become carnivores because of a virus, have taken over the world. There are only a few known survivors. In order to survive there are a set of rules the main character comes up with. Rule 1: Cardio!
Of course one of the first scenes is a fat guy running away from the Zombies. Because he is fat and out of shape, he is immediately caught and eaten. Rule number 1....cardio! And then, of course again, there is the scene with 4 zombies, all dead, laying on the floor with their ginormous bellies sticking up in the air.

I ordered meds for my Gabby last night. I will tell you about Gabby another day. I had to go to the grocery store to pick up her medications. My kids insist they have to eat. Even though I don't get to eat real food for the next 8 weeks or so, they want real food. Unfair as it is, I had to shop around the entire store finding foods for these ravenous beasts. They will complain no doubt, as I bought nothing of junk value. Nothing from the sugar, fat or salt groups. Deal kids.

I get to the checkout. Exactly how many tabloids and magazines sit there with really good looking food, with really skinny women, with really skinny women with their really fat before pics, with really fat women with their weight gain? There is way too much interest in body fat. And then there's the National Examiner.....Oprah at a dangerous 290 pounds. She says she no longer cares! OPRAH@!!!!!! You are the weight loss goddess. You are the optifast guru. So do I cancel my optifast or try it anyway?

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