Saturday, October 10, 2009


I got on the scale today and am 4 pounds down! Yes...I know it's most likely water weight. But honestly...who cares? Something is coming off of my body!
I am hungry and rather bitchy (ok, truthfully a LOT bitchy) ALL the time. How do people remain hungry and not kill the people that live in their web? Web...freudian there...I mean house. Spouses beware!

I cleaned the second floor ledges above the built ins yesterday. There was an accumulation of about 5 months of assorted bugs...flies, gnats, mosquitoes, spiders, other crawling and flying decomposing insects and one beautifully preserved grasshopper. That must have been one amazingly athletic grasshopper. The point is, i am doing insane and dangerous things while hungry. I am climbing very high ladders to clean. It was a perfectly good insect cemetery and now it is a designer house-like ledge. Selah. I also, while up on a ladder two-stories high, killed a spider. Yes, me....the woman who made a trail of sugar to allow the ants to find their way back outside to avoid killing them, killed not one, but two spiders that were happily still alive in the insect cemetery. Hunger has driven me to do things that I never do.

I personally have loved spiders ever since reading Charlotte's Web. I avoid killing them at all costs, believing in some small iota of my brain, that one day THAT very spider might save my life or the life of someone I love.

I went to bed hungry. I woke up hungry. They say that day three is better. Today is day three, so we shall see. If I resort to killing anything larger than a small spider, it will be time to worry.


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